
Do you ever feel the pressure of society are way too much? Their expectations of you, what you become, or even how you become something that they expect you to be despite they are not your loving parent. We are all at least experience such a thing once in our life, until we stumble upon quotes that change entirely our views toward the world we are living in.


What are the most impactful quotes that change your entire life? As for me, that would be quotes that written by Ralph Waldo Emerson. His quote goes like this, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”


Just because you are indifferent, it does not mean that you are strange. Just because you are introvert, it does not give the right for everyone to leaves you behind. And just because you are not the most beautiful or handsome person, it does not give them the right to call you ugly nor bully you for it.


Let me tell you this, that you are not indifferent but unique. That you are not introvert just for loving what you are doing. And that you are beautiful the way you are, no matter what society say to put you into your place. For that is just the reality disguise as the norm.


But what is the point of being normal in the eye of society, when we are wearing a façade in the end. Though, being yourself is not that easy as its seems. For being confident and ignorance towards the hateful comment and piercing eye they throw you every single day is not easy.


Although, in exchange for that, you could free yourself from all the shackle that holding you back in order to move forward. To grabs your own happiness. To be the way you are without faking a smile. And to be real, not a puppet without its puppet master.


Just like what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” And the most important part from being yourself is, you deserve to pursuit your own happiness. No matter what the society say.




By: Andrea

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