Lone Dire Wolf – Chapter 14, Question and Answer

Water Cherry House, Tokyo, Japan.


Training Halls.


As Agio waiting for any confirmation from Ria alongside with Aito subordinates. Whether Aileas bought something without anyone knowing, or not. He decides to spend his time for the family, by sparring with Aito, who is so eager to try his new technique.


Despite being the current Head of Yakuza, and the Cutest Son of Aileas. Aito is rather good with Close Quarter Combat, compare with Katana just like his father, Yamato did. But nobody would complain toward that, since all Yamato and Aileas children idolize their uncle, Agio, just like the rest.


Not to mention, just like Ariel, Aito was once serve as the Captain of Personal Army, that belong to Agio, after he graduate from his university.


With a speed that couldn’t be followed by the eye of normal human, Aito keep attacking Agio. In constant attack, to the point he wouldn’t give his opponent an opportunity to counter-attack. As his attack keep increasing in Speed and Strength, it wouldn’t be surprise if he could land an attack on Agio.


But in reality.


Rather than blocking or defending the upcoming attack, Agio keeps redirect Aito attack with his palms only.


And with his expressionless face, rather than training or fighting with an expert, it’s more like playing with a child. As it shows the big difference in strength between them.


“Alright, this end, here.”


With a single sentence, Agio stretch his left palm as it lands a single blow on Aito chest.


With a little pressure from Agio, combine with the momentum from Aito, it shouldn’t be surprise if the impact would be greater than the actual attack.


As Aito blow away, he lands and rolling to the ground several time, before he stopped eventually.




Aito said in pain as he trying to get up.


(As expected, I was no match against Uncle. Ugh, even though I try my best, he wouldn’t break any sweat from all the training, huh.)


Aito thought as he admired his Uncle, Agio.


Since both Agio and Aito have been training from 3 o’clock in the morning until 9 o’clock in the morning. It would be normal for both of them to sweating a lot, but compare to Aito, his Uncle, he didn’t break any sweat while they are sparring.


“…Huft…Huft…What do you think, Uncle? Did I do well?”


Aito asks, while trying to push himself to sit on the floor, after receiving such a blow from his Uncle, Agio.


“…About your new ‘Techniques’?”




“Hm, tell me again how many ‘Steps’ does this ‘New Techniques’ you were using?”


“15 Steps. Compared to the other ‘Techniques’ that I improvise, and learn from you, Uncle. In my opinion, this one is stronger and faster.”


“……Hm, well, I would agree with you, if you didn’t make it ‘Unnatural’ that is.”


“Unnatural? What do you mean, Uncle?”


“That you were playing it separately.”


“Playing it separately?”


“I don’t know much about your ‘New Technique’, but I’d said that there is an unnaturalness of the body. When the right foot goes out and the left arm goes out, when the left foot goes out and the right arm goes out…”


“Unnatural. Twisting forcibly?”


“Right, as water flows and the wind blows. Surrender to the flow. Water from the high ground to lower ground. The wind was free. All of it was natural. And your gift is a force which belongs to nature.”


Agio said as he continues.


“Let me show you.”


He said with a smile, as he takes few steps behind to get ready, and start.


As Agio imitate Aito ‘New Technique’, rather than a mare imitation, it’s more like perfection.


Moving swiftly as if he was dancing with the air, nothing that look unnatural in his movement.


“…and that is how it’s done. Do you understand?”


“……Ah! Y-yes! I understand, Uncle!”


Aito said as he surprised seeing how Agio could make his new technique perfect even though it’s his first time showing it to his Uncle.


“That’s good then. So, basically all you need to do is let yourself flow with your ‘gift’. And my advice is, try to combine the third step and fourth step as one step. Also, the twelfth step and thirteenth step too would be good if you could make them as one. That way you have reduce the original movement without reduce the original power. It may difficult, but good luck.”


Agio said with a smile while giving Aito a thump up.


“…Ugh! Th-thanks, Uncle. But if I may ask, the technique you were show me before, rather than 13 steps as you explained, you made only 9 steps, Uncle, how?”


Aito ask with curious, since he was the one who originally created the new technique.


“Ah, about that, most probably it because the difference in our aptitude. You have ‘Wind Aptitude’ while I have ‘White Lightning Aptitude’, basically I’m faster than you.”


“…Now you mentioned, I forgot that Uncle have a ‘Special Gift’ just like Mother.”


“Hahaha, what does it matter? Special or not, if you willing to improve one self, I’m pretty sure you will be stronger than me in no time. Alright! With that, let end this training!”


“Huh!? But I still can continue, Uncle.”


“Umu, fortunately for you I’m not your mother. You may not realize it, but the Nanites inside your body are keep healing your injury, that is why you didn’t feel tired or exhausted. But that doesn’t mean you can ignore it. Training is good, but resting is also good for the body.”


Agio said as he giving Aito a hand to get up.


“…Huff, you are pretty heavy, huh.”


“I’m not, Uncle.”


“Hahaha, anyway, don’t push yourself too hard, and see you later.”


Agio said as he leaving Aito at the training room.


“Where are you going, Uncle?”


“Bath. Despite how I look, I’m pretty much sweating, you know.”


Agio said with a smile as he glances to Aito.


“…Oh! Almost forgot, how about the breakfast, Uncle?”


“I will eat with you guys. It been a while for me to eat together with my Nephew and Niece.”


Agio said as he continues to walk while waving his right hand, meanwhile Aito just smile and slightly bow in respond to that.


“As you wish, Uncle.”




Aito A. Mukoiwa, the seventh child of Aileas A. Mukoiwa and Yamato L. Necrom. As the youngest child in the family, he has two big brother and four big sisters. Among them are;


~> Ichito A. Mukoiwa, the Big Brother and the First Son.

~> Nito L. Necrom, the Big Brother and the Second Son.

~> Yukina A. Mukoiwa, the Big Sister and the First Daughter.

~> Saiko L. Necrom, the Big Sister and the Second Daughter.

~> Aileen A. Mukoiwa, the Big Sister and the Third Daughter.

~> Reiko L. Necrom, the Big Sister and the Fourth Daughter.


Despite all of them having the same eyes and hair color feature as their mother, each of them has different ‘aptitude’ to one another. And as they have a Spartan mother, it only understandable if the children are more similar to their father, Yamato, than their mother, Aileas.


That’s why when Aito was born, and grow, in a way similarly to Aileas, despite having a cute face. The whole Mukoiwa Family can’t help but to cause a ruckus from worry and anxiety. Until it decides that Agio would look after him, to the point where he could stand on his ground by himself.


But unfortunately, that doesn’t work against his mother.


At Breakfast.


“…Hm, good morning…”


“…Good morning.”


“…Aito, what we have for breakfast?”


Yukina asks following Ichito and Nito greeting while they are all still sleepy.


“Good morning Onii-san, Onee-san. Today we have Freshly Bake Breads, Croissant, Jams, and Yogurt. Oh, and Uncle also bake some Pancake for us.”


Aito answered with smile as he saw his two big brother and big sister just coming in dining room.


“Hm, Croissant is sound good for me today, but Pancake also not so bad. Wait, Pancake…? Uncle…?”


“…Oh!! Uncle Agio, you were here! When did you arrive?”


Nito said as he noticed his Uncle were sitting at the other end of the table, following with Ichito as he greets Agio with gentle smile.


“Good morning, Uncle.”


“Good morning, Ichito. And Nito, I just coming today morning. Don’t worry, Aito was there to greets me in you guys place.”


Agio said with a smile, as he remembers that each of Aileas children were really like to greet him first hand rather than late. Though, he really didn’t know whether that is a habit from their mother, or it’s their own.


“Really? Then, why you didn’t wake us up, Aito?”


Nito asks, at the same time Yukina who is reminisce about what to eat finally back to reality.


“Oh!! Uncle, you were here? Aito, why did you not wake me up earlier when Uncle is here?”


“We-well, I was about to, but Uncle said there is no need to do that.”


“…That is your answer for Nito-nii-san, right?”


Yukina asks, while she glaring at Aito with a suspicious eye.




“Then, how about me?”


“Uhm, hm, Aileen-nee-san order.”


Aito said answering Yukina question with a low and scare voice.


“Geez, would you stop bullying Aito-chan.”


“I’m not bullying Aito, and isn’t you who put him in that position? And why are you sitting beside Uncle? That is my place!”


Yukina said as she gets annoyed with Aileen act of innocent toward her despite being quite a cunning character herself.


“What are you talking about? You were the one who said ‘first come first get’ thingy stuff.”


“I see. So, that is why you ask Aito not to wake me up, huh!!”


“Well, why should I care, you were sleeping like a dead gorilla anyway!”


“Then, how about you receiving the first blow from mother next time?”




“Now, now, calm down both of you. We are pretty much got beaten up in the training ground again by mother. And since we are all here, how about we start eating breakfast?”


Saiko said as she trying to calming down both Yukina and Aileen who bickering at each other. Even though in reality, they are all care to one to another on their own way.


In the meantime, Reiko, who sitting beside Saiko, at the opposite of Aileen. While ignoring her brother and sister making ruckus, she keeps drawing on her sketch book, and show it to Agio every time she is finish with one.


“Uncle, Uncle, what do you think about this one?”


Reiko said showing her drawing to Agio, which is more like a portrait of art rather than a sketching draw.


“Hm, that look amazing.”


Agio said with smile.


“Hehe, then, can Reiko put her into Virtualis Re Mundos too?”


“Sure. But since there are a lot of Artist out there who doing the same thing, you shouldn’t forget to write their personality and background too, okay.”


Agio explained as reminder to Reiko while patting her head.


Since many Artist that joined the Project Virtualis Re Mundos are task not only to created NPC, Monster, Avatar, and Nature inside Virtual Worlds. But also, to give each of them Personality and Background as their Standard Start-Point. Afterward, the Character would eventually grow by themselves, without a loop-command system or specific order.


As if they were Artificial Intelligent, which is to be true. Though, many didn’t recognize as one, since there were also Artist outside of the Project V.R.M. too. While it’s true that they capable to upload their Painting / Drawing and created their own NPC, or Minions, or what people called ‘Waifu’.


The difference is, they need to describes the Personality, Background, and the Command as details as possible. Which make them rather similar to Android compare to Artificial Intelligent that being created by Artist that belong to Project V.R.M.


Though, depending on the person skill, everything is still possible.


“Anyway, alright everyone, stop making a ruckus.”


Agio said as he clap his hand to get everyone attention, while Reiko claps her hand following him happily.




“…Good, I got all your attention. Ichito, Nito, Yukina, let start eating first, shall we? Aileen, as a punishment for taking an opportunity while your sister is injury, for the whole day you are not allowed to sit beside me. And you shall sit, beside Yukina.”


“Ugh! Y-yes, Uncle.”


Aileen said moving to the next chair while Yukina taking her sit, at the same time Ichito and Nito took their perspective seats.


“…Saiko, can I have your tea again?”


“Of course, Uncle!”


Saiko said with a big smile, since among all her brother and sister, she is the most gentle, smart when it comes to cooking and making tea.


“…And, Reiko-chan, I think you can stop clapping your hands.”


“Oh! Okay-dokey!!”


Reiko said happily, while the rest couldn’t help but to have a cold sweat in respond to her.




After Breakfast.


“…Umu, alright, with this recipe I can make Uncle Pancake, and several new menus! Thanks, Uncle!”


Saiko said while holding her memo that are full of recipe from all kind of food, sweets, and cakes. That mainly Agio give advice to her while at the same time she created all kind of a new dish.


“You are welcome.”


Agio said with a smile.


“Say Aito, do we have enough ingredient in the kitchen?”


“I believe we do. Since before mother arrival, I have already ordered the maid to put a lot of stock in the kitchen. Why do you ask, Saiko-nee-san?”


“Hehe, is not that obvious? Of course, I did like to try to cook the new recipes!! Wanna come!!”


Saiko said excitedly talking about the new recipes she got.


“…hm, s-sure. I will come along.”


Aito said with a cold sweat, trying to running away from the unnoticeable pressure in the dining room. Especially those who sit beside him, Aileen, and Yukina, who taking her sit beside Agio.


“…Hmmm, Saiko-onee-san, can Reiko come along too?”


Reiko said while pulling Saiko long sleeves.


“Sure. I will make a lot of cookies for you.”


“Cookies!! Yay, Reiko love cookies!!”


Reiko said excitingly while following Saiko to the kitchen.


“Saiko, don’t give too many cookies to Reiko, otherwise she would cry when she couldn’t join us for lunch.”


“Yes, Uncle.”


Saiko said with a smile, while holding Reiko small hand, despite Reiko being born before Aito. With her small figure and childish behavior, many would mistaken that Aito are born before Reiko, not after.


But reality saying otherwise.


“…So, anyway, Ichito, Nito, Yukina, how is your injury?”


“Now that Uncle mentioned, our injury from the training is healed faster than usually.”


“Well, that is because mother always beating us to near-dead with a non-healing attribute, which is to be honest a pain to deal with, from the start until the very end.”


Ichito said with a cold sweat, remembering the spartan training they undergo few day ago.


“Uncle, did you perhaps use one of your potions to heal us all?”


Yukina said with glittering eyes.


“Well, rather than to heal your injury, to be exact it only to stop the non-healing attribute, while letting your Nanites do the rest. To be honest, that non-healing attribute is very dangerous to be used in common training ground. So, I guess you guys are lucky enough to have a mother who know when she should end the training.”


Agio said with pity.


“Anyway, although I’m the one who prepare the potions, the one who administrate the potions is none other than Saiko and Aito, while Aileen watching Reiko, so she wouldn’t wake up by mistake. So, be sure to say your ‘Thanks’ to them.”


“…Yes, Uncle.”


Ichito, Nito, and Yukina said at the same time.


“By the way, Uncle, if that potions is work for us, can we used them on father?”


Nito said while thinking it might be a bright idea to do so.


“Haha, sorry to disappoint your expectation, Nito. But I don’t think I have the potions to help him, since your father injury is quite severe. (Although the truth is, it’s just adult-stuff related. Which mean healing potions is useless, perhaps I should send him Energy Restoration Potions later.)”


Agio said with a dry laugh, while trying to avoid saying any vulgar language in front of the children.


“Well, I guess that can’t be help then.”


Nito said accepting his Uncle explanation.


“By the way Uncle, can I ask you a question?”


“You just did.”


Aileen said answering Yukina sudden question with a short sarcastic, and in respond to that, Yukina glaring at her.


“Alright, Uncle, can I ask two question?”


“You already did.”


“……Ok, then, Uncle, can I ask four question?”


“You just did.”




“Just now.”




“Now, now, both of you, calm down.”


Agio said realizing that Yukina getting more annoyed by the time.


“Aileen, did you want to asking about something too? You keep interrupting your big sister talking.”


“Ah, yes. I want to know, how long Uncle will stay here?”


Aileen said changing her way of speaking toward Agio.


“Hay!! That is also what I’m about to ask to Uncle!”


“But I got to ask him first, blegh…”


Aileen said as she giving a tongue to Yukina.


“Now, now, stop fighting, it’s the same question anyway, it wouldn’t matter if I answer for everyone else, right? Or rather, I wouldn’t know how long I would be here, since everything depends on what Ria found out.”


Agio said explaining to Ichito, Nito, Yukina, and Aileen, his reason for a sudden visit today. At the same time, Ria, who finish her search and investigation, immediately report everything toward Agio.


“Master, I have return.”


“Ria, perfect timing, so, what did you found?”


“…As a matter of fact, it is exactly like what you said, Master. After searching, tracking, and investigate every store that Aileas-Sama has been visit for the past few days. We have confirmed that Aileas-Sama is indeed putting an order without anyone in the household knowing.”


“That’s good to hear. Then all we need to do is to head to the store, and take the ordered stuff, right?”


“Hm, Master, there might be a slight problem regarding that.”


“Problem? What kind of problem?”


Agio asks with confused, while Ria have a troubled-face.


“…Most of the store that Aileas-Sama visit are hand-made store, and the stuff that Aileas-Sama ordered would take at least 3 to 5 days more to finish, Master.”


“Ugh, I completely forgot that Aileas-nee-san love hand-made product more than anything else. Who is exactly the guy who make her love hand-product so much?”


Agio said complaining, while Ria herself looking at him with a expressionless face.


“…Master, isn’t it you who give her a handmade present that Aileas-Sama love it so much?”


“Ugh, please, don’t remind me about that. And by the look on your face, you have something else you want to say.”


Agio said as he notices that Ria have been holding a single important information that she means to inform him, yet hesitated to do so.


“Forgive me, Master. But I just receive an important information that Aileas-Sama and Ariel-san have been trespassing ‘Master Room’. By the look of it, it seems Ariel-san couldn’t do much but to follow Aileas-Sama order.”


“……I see.”


“…Should we be going back immediately, Master?”


Ria asks, understanding the looks that Agio put the moment she tells him the information.


“…No need.”


“But, Master.”


Ria asks with worried.


“It alright. If Aileas-nee-san purpose is to talk with Mia, I can guess as much what kind of subject she will be telling her.”


“…Would that be alright with you, Master?”


“……Yes, there is not much different anyway, either me or Aileas-nee-san would be the one who telling her the truth. The result would be the same, she learned the truth. Though either she accepts that truth, or denied completely is entirely different story.”


Agio said with a sad expression.


“You are right, Master. Either she would accept the truth or denied the reality, everything is depending on Mia-san herself. We couldn’t force her to decide for our own sake.”


Ria said as she completely understands Agio decision on this matter. Following with Ichito, Nito, Yukina, and Aileen who was there listening to their conversation. They decide to remain silent after looking at the sad expression of their Uncle.


Which rarely he shows to anyone outside of his circles.




To be continue.



This story is fiction.

All persons, groups, places, laws, and names appearing in it have no relation to the real world.

Thank you for reading.


By: Resaid of Story

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