Lone Dire Wolf – Chapter 03, Meeting

As the Earth keep progressing at steady speed, and so goes to the humankind who live within it.


Or at least that is for the humankind.


As for Agio himself…


*Beep, Beep, Beep*


<<Master, I just notified that another 3 ‘Small Gate’ have been finish their construction.>>


<<And, what would that mean?>>


<<It means, that currently 43% of Earth Progressing is now complete. 57% are remaining in Process, Master.>>


<<Ugh!! Slow, it is too Slow! The progress is too damn Slow!!!>>


<<I mean, it might be true that Paavo idea and his Project are complete. Even it saves the remaining humankind, but still. Does he even think about the Progress to do so?? The Highest Empires refused to completely help in order to avoid humankind too depending on them. But in result, they need to build things by themselves. And that is spend quite a lot of time than the time it’s necessary to the ‘Gate’ that connect to ‘Virtual World’.>>


<<…Master, isn’t it you the one who give Paavo that idea? To focus on the Project Virtualis Re Mundos (Virtual Reality Worlds) alone, while you and his father will do the rest.>>


<<Ugh… Please don’t remind me about it.>>


Agio said as he become annoyed after he spend an entire day not sleeping to dealing with all kind of case.


For it the truth.


Ever since Paavo Project in order to save the humankind, in order to grant his Mother Wish, was succeeded. There is one flow that being forgotten, Paavo and his team only created the ‘Virtual World’ with a single ‘Gate’. Where it is obvious that he needs more than that in order to let the rest of the humankind to coming in.


But the problem didn’t lay only at the ‘Gate’ that connect the two worlds, ‘Reality and Virtual World’. But also, the Construction, the Environments, Overpopulation, Waste, Corruption, War, Rebellions, Poor, Rich, and the way of humankind live.


For the ‘Highest Empires’ reset all that problem, the next problem would be to ‘Rebuild the World’ to at least the minimum level of Civilizations. And things are always never going easy as it is planned, as for now is what Agio dealing with, as one of a select few Supervisor from the ‘Highest Empires’.


“Now, now, don’t be so mad about it. It’s normal for us, human, to take a step at a time, and we are really grateful for your help. And besides, thanks to slow progress I could spend my time to accompany you a little bit longer, right?”


A woman said with smile, as she coming from the kitchen to the living room where Agio busy with his work.




“Breakfast is ready. You should take your breakfast while it still warm.”


Monica said with gentle smile.


Monica Sheeron. A 27 years old Landlady, is the current owner of the Apartment where Agio living. And Big Sister of Sheen Sheeron. Despite they are related, Monica is rather much mature than her little brother.


She is a natural beauty who look gorgeous even without any make up. Adding her motherly attitude and personality, making her sexier. Not to mention her alluring body would tempting every male who passing her. But never be deceive, for every man who try to grab her would be send to either hospital with 6-year maximum recovery or graveyards.


For she was one among a select few people, whose strength is being recognize by Agio.


<<Monica, could you stop with that gentle smile of yours? It creeped me out.>>


Agio said out the blue with cold sweat, but it just makes Monica pouting after she hear that remark from him.


“Huh, how rude. Is that a word you would say to a beautiful maiden like myself, who spend her entire morning to making a delicious breakfast for you?”


<<Beautiful, yes. Maiden, I don’t think that would suit you, Monica.>>


Ria said with her sarcastic comment.


“Ah, Ria, you should be on my side on this matter, you know! I thought we are a team! Since we both are a fair maiden!”


<<Sorry, but no matter what kind of argument we are having, I will always be taking my Master side.>>


“Woah, that remind me just how loyal you are to him. And you, would you stop eating while there are two girls fighting from the fire you just set up?”


Monica said as she is looking at how Agio who eating his breakfast calmly.


<<Well, I did rather eat calmly while still warm to enjoying your cooking, right?>>


(Master, don’t you think that is a little too exaggerate after your first remark before?)


(Well, what could I do. Dealing with women is never my forte to begin with. Especially when a cold-blooded Underworld leader such as herself, smiling at you early in the morning with a gentle smile. For a normal boy, that would be lovely, but for us who know the real her, that would be scary, right?)


(Well, I couldn’t disagree about that.)


(See, that is exactly what I mean!)


(Yes, but still, I don’t think it would work on her, Master.)


As Agio and Ria are having conversation telepathically, Monica, who can’t hear their conversation are busy with her beating heart.


For she is blushing, the moment Agio saying his sweet exaggerate words in order to save himself. With her racing heart, which she couldn’t control, and with how happy she is hearing Agio saying that, she is completely lost it.


“You know, that kind of words is little bit unfair, don’t you think?”


Monica said with her blushing face, as she is suddenly hugging Agio from behind to hide her blushing from him.


<<Urgh, sorry about it.>>


“Say Agio, how long do you think this peaceful life would last? I mean, I’m grateful to you for granting my, and my fallen friends wish. But as far as I could see, there is no such a thing as ‘Peace’ would last forever.”


“No matter in what world or what era you are live in, there would be a time when a chaos would suddenly occur from the within of peaceful country. And when that happen, blood is definitely will be spilt. In that state, who are we supposed to fight? The Rebellions or the Country itself? Since most people mistook ‘Peace’ for ‘Quiet’, while the rest of the world keep spinning like there was nothing happened.”


Monica said as she keeps holding Agio from the back. Pondering how she would spend her retirement as the Ex-Leader of the Underworld. A Place where law couldn’t reach, while death is the only absolute law for the weak.


Such a world is existing, hiding behind the shadow from the light which shone brightly.




“Alright, I already cook different kind of food for you, and sorted in the box. You just need to warm them up in microwave. I think it would be sufficient for several day. But don’t worry, I would check on you in between.”


Monica said while she putting on her shoes on.


<<Could you stop using your privilege as Landlady to barge into my room? And, did you forget that I could cook by myself just fine.>>


“I did remember, but whenever I taste or look at how you cook, it hurt my ‘Pride’ as woman that you can cook better than me. So, I will make you eat my cook every day until I got better, you better prepared.”


<<You are being unreasonable, you know that.>>


“I know, I know. But you gotta deal with it if you want to learn how to dealing with a gorgeous woman such as myself.”


Monica said with such a sexy smile.


“Okay, I really need to go now. If you going outside, don’t forget to lock the door. Be home before the midnight. And don’t forget to eat your food, okay? See you.”


<<What are you, my mother?>>


Agio said as Monica leaving his apartment, for she has other job that she needs to deal with as a Landlady.


<<Finally, she leaves.>>


<<Master, may I bother you for a second?>>


(What is it, Ria?)


<<Apparently, you had a message for a while ago. But seeing the situation we are in, I’m not sure to notify you beforehand. And so, I have been postponing to notified you up until now.>>


(Yeah, thanks, Ria. And, from whom is it?)


<<It’s from Mia Sherlyss Ryouko>>


(Who is that?)


<<It’s the girl that you bump into few days ago, Master.>>


Ria said, as she immediately shows a recording of what happened on that day in the form of hologram. Which she displays right in the center of the living room. For she always recording everything from what Agio see to the point of what she scanned.


This kind of action is necessary for her, not only as a form of a report to Agio Mother, but also as reminder for Agio, who could easily forget people face.


And as a matter of fact, Agio himself at one point ask her to do the same thing. In case that he would have his own family, in case that he would grow old, and in case that he would die one day. That memory would be kept, as memento, as a prove, that Agio R. Mukoiwa is exist in this universe. And more importantly, that Ria is the best friend and his most trusted partner.


Along with the recording Ria shows to Agio, she then explained to him how they meet Mia Sherlyss Ryouko on that day. Including the biodata of Mia, that Ria collected with the Satellite that she can access easily and gain enormous data via network.


Mia Sherlyss Ryouko, 21-year-old girl. She was born at May 3rd, 1992. She come from New York, USA. Including her parents, she also has brother and sister.


Her height is 168cm, with brown hair up till down her shoulder, slim body, and has dark brown eyes for her pupil. Currently she has been attending at USA College and taking Engineering Class – Robotic Design for 2 years.


<<…and apparently, she is from ‘Void Generation’, which mean that she has no recollection of what happen before ‘Void Century’. And with that conclude my report, Master. Oh, and I almost forgot one important thing to say, that she is currently single.>>


Ria said as casually as she would give Agio an report without feeling that there is something wrong on her report.


(Why would you consider that last part as Important?)


Agio thought with cold sweat as he tilted his head a little bit.


<<For a matter of concern, you have been single over centuries, Master. Therefore, your mother and me decide that this kind of information is as important as the rest of the reports.>>


(Urgh, couldn’t argue with something that Mother is involve with.)


(Well, whatever. But, how did she know my phone number?)


<<Apparently Jenny is the one who give her your number, Master. And it seems she is also the one who ask her to send message to you.>>


(Why she would do that?)


<<If my suggestion were right, she is doing so with the same reason as me and your mother, Master.>>


(Ugh, and again, why would she do that?)


(…Well, let just forget about that, can you read her message for me, Ria?)


Agio said as he is laying down on sofa with a headache.


<<As you wish, Master.>>


<<“Hey Agio. I’m Mia Sherlyss Ryouko. The girl you bump into few days ago. I hope you remember. Jenny-senpai said you are a good person to get to know. I hope she told you I would be texting! If she didn’t warn you, I’ll be so embarrassed! :P.”>>


(Ria, could you type for me, “Yeah, I do remember. But Jenny didn’t say anything about you would send text to me.”)


Agio thought as he asks Ria to answer Mia text in his place.


<<As you wish, Master.>>




<<Master, you just got reply from Mia.>>


(Ugh, how fast? You just send the message for a second ago, right?)


<<Master, not all girl is slow to answer their message. Especially when they got it from you.>>


(What are you talking about, Ria. I’m just a normal guy, living a normal life, and I’m having a normal College that I love so much. I’m just your everyday regular guy, you know.)


<<Master. That is definitely a word that a cool and famous guy would say.>>


<<And are you really saying that being one of the ‘Supervisors’ from Highest Empires, leading a ‘Shadow Organization’ who could kill a thousand people mercilessly, and being one of the Children of the current Highest Emperor, is normal for you?>>


Ria said with a sharp eye that piercing Agio, as she pointed out what is normal and what is not for him.


(Ugh, alright, alright, you got your point. So, what she wants this time?)


<<“Oh great, and Senpai said she would warn you beforehand, so I could just send you a text. Ugh, how embarrassed.”>>


<<Is what the message written, Master.>>


(Thanks, Ria. Could you reply with, “Hahaha That is just how Jenny are. So, what is it she wants from you by texting me?”)




<<Master, you got another reply, “Ugh, you do understand Senpai very well, huh. Well, in long short story. Say, are you free today? If you want to, how about meeting up at the restaurant that Jenny-senpai recommended, there is really nice restaurant I did like to visit. So, how about having talk over lunch with me?”>>


(Huh? That is not ‘long short story’ there. It rather, she just jumps over the story, and come to the conclusion. Just what are you plotting, Jenny?)


Agio thought with a cold sweat, as he didn’t realize what Ria do for the next moment.


<<Master, I already answer your message with “Yes, that would be great. Send me the time and place, I will be there in a minute” in your place.>>


(Wait, what!! Why?!!)


Agio thought as he immediately up from the sofa from the shock he just got. Meanwhile, Ria responded with as casual as she got, as if it’s a normal thing to do.


<<That is because Master is currently single.>>


(And that doesn’t explain why should I go along with Jenny plot, am I?)


Agio said with annoying.


<<Well, either way there is not much things to do for you today, Master. College is just a divergent, work is pretty much done until the next case, and the rest of the day are free. So, is there any other reason for us to not accept this invitation, Master?>>


(How about my time to relax or to play a little video game? I mean, there is also some anime I did like to watch too.)


<<I can download the anime for you, Master. As for the time that you need to play video game, I could arrange at different time.>>


(I really can’t argue with you, huh?)


<<Nope. But I would still compromise things for you, Master.>>


Ria said sound proudly.


<<By the way, I recommend that you start to take shower and get ready before your date, Master.>>


(It’s not a date.)


By the end of their argument, Agio have no choice but to do what Ria told him to.


For a matter of fact, it’s not like Agio would follow whatever Ria told him to. It’s quite the opposite, that Ria would follow whatever Agio told her to. For her, she willing to do anything, in the name to protect Agio. But as the war and the bloody era is come to end, rather than protect him, Ria prioritize his happiness.


For no matter how long a ‘High Human’, a citizen of ‘Highest Empires’ live, they are not an ‘Immortal’. For they respect those who is dead, by not bringing them back. Even the options are there, the answer is being consider as taboo.


And so, because of Ria, Agio ended up coming way too early than the original appointment at the new restaurant, Nekoya.


It is a restaurant with a small cat as their logo, which is actually just open for few weeks at that area. But because of how cute and unique how they serve their food, the restaurant rather become famous in a flash. As for another reason why the restaurant become famous, well, there is a certain boy who never bother about the stared of many people.


With a glasses and book on his hand, accompany with small cup of warm tea and cake, he read rather elegantly. Without realizing, that he become the center of attention within the restaurant.


Though, no one would guess, behind his elegant reading, there is an uncover argument between those two.


(Are you done, yet?)


(Nope. Please, keep this page a little bit longer, Master.)


(You know, why don’t you just scanned the whole book to know everything what is inside. That way, you can read them again whenever you want, Ria.)


(Master. Reading and scanning are two different things to do. Even fast-reading doesn’t have any enjoyment on it. I did like to enjoy my reading season just like you enjoy them, Master.)


(Well, couldn’t disagree with you about that.)


And so, goes on, how they spend their time, waiting for Mia, without realizing, that his smile created another riot inside the restaurant.


20 minutes later.


“Woah, Senpai did say that this restaurant is famous, but I didn’t think it would be this bad.”


Mia said with amazed as she just arrives at the restaurant and see, just how crowded it is with the customer. Though, most of them are a lady and a girl, Mia thought that this kind of view are normal for this Restaurant.


Without knowing that the main cause for the restaurant being crowded is no other than Agio himself.


“Welcome to Nekoya, our pride and cute restaurant. Would you like to taking order, or would you like to eat here?”


“We would like to apologize for the discomfort, for currently there are no free table that is available. Would you mind to join the other table?”


Said the waitress that welcome Mia with a smile as she just enters the entrance of the restaurant.


“Oh, don’t worry about it. I have a friend waiting for me. He goes by the name of Agio Mukoiwa.”


“Friend of Mukoiwa-Sama is it. We have been expecting you, Ryouko-Sama. Please follow me, Mukoiwa-Sama have been waiting at the second-floor, balcony, flower garden.”


(Huh?!! Sama? Why she called me with Sama too? Jenny-Senpai said Agio is a good guy, but what kind of a guy being called ‘Sama’ at the newly open restaurant??)


Mia thought with surprised as well as confused with the situation she was in, while following the waitress who show her the way.


For this is the first time for Mia herself being treated with such a high formality. Especially in the restaurant where their formality is rather gentle. As she immediately become the center of attentions within the restaurant, because of that.


“Mukoiwa-Sama, your guest has arrived.”


The waitress said as she bowed to Agio, who is just finish reading his book. Following with Mia as she walks behind her.


<<Thank you.>>


“You are very welcome, Mukoiwa-Sama.”


“Then, I would like to excuse myself, Mukoiwa-Sama, for I have another job to do. Please do call, if you need anything else.”


The waitress said with a smile, as she bowed her head once more before she back to her jobs.


<<Sure, Thanks.>>


Agio said with smile.


<<And how about you, Madam? Would you like take a sit with me?>>


Agio said with a smile as he teased Mia, who look so tense with all of that formality from the waitress before. As for Agio can’t helped but to teased her, for how cute Mia reaction was.


“Oh please, not you too. I mean, Jenny-Senpai did say that you are a good guy to meet with, but this, this is way too tiring than dealing with Senpai alone.”


“I mean, just who are you?”


Mia asks as she can’t hold her curiosity over Agio, but then, with another smile of him, he said,


<<Hahaha, sorry for teasing you. It’s just your reaction is rather cute, so I can’t help but to comment.>>


<<Oh, but don’t misunderstand me, your white dress is rather suit you well. You look beautiful in it. And, I believe your question might be worth to talk over the lunch.>>


Agio said, as he giving a sign to Mia to take a sit like a gentleman would do to a lady.


But rather than taking a sit or responding to Agio words like a normal, Mia heart is rather beating so fast, as she was blushing from Agio comment.


“T-thank you. I will try to look at the menu, then.”


Mia said with blushing, as she taking an empty sit in front of Agio.


(Hm, did I just say something bad? Why she is acting weird?)


Agio thought with confused.


(Woah, Master, I didn’t expect you to be able to flirt like that.)


(What do you mean by flirt? Isn’t it you who told me to be nice and say something nice to her?)


(I did, but I didn’t expect you to actually say those words like it was normal things to say for you. I’m proud of you, Master. You can do it if you try.)


(Oh please, give me a break!!)


Agio thought with a cold sweat, as behind his calm and elegant posture, hide the storm between him and Ria.


Who keep cheering and pushing Agio to stay and smile from the inside out. For better or worse, to be honest, he really doesn’t want to be there.




To be continue.



This story is fiction.

All persons, groups, places, laws, and names appearing in it have no relation to the real world.

Thank you for reading.


By: Resaid of Story

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