Lone Dire Wolf – Chapter 02, How They Meet

As Agio have no other choices but to accompany Sheen, in the end he spends his day off to the College.


When they are arrived, they saw so many unfamiliar faces in their University. Many small stalls are stand on the sideway, as they are coming from club’s activity that try to promote their clubs. Though some of them just want to take advantage to the situation.


But the moment they saw Agio and Sheen coming to the University, all eyes suddenly focus on both.


“Woah, w-what are they doing here?”


“I thought ‘He’ don’t have any class this week!”


“That ‘Idiot’ must be bringing ‘Him’ here!”


“Everyone don’t do anything stupid! You hear me! Act normal! We will make through!”


And so, goes on how they whispering to one to another as they can be seen as clear as the day goes.


<<…For what reason they are being like that, you ask?>>


Well, that is question for another time.


As for now, let just focus on Agio and Sheen.


As Sheen still looking for the girl he made promise to meet with, Agio decide to look around at the stall. Since he has a lot of free time alongside with Ria that always keeping her guard up.


By scanning her surrounding, she able to predict unwarranted action and suspicious person. Even there is none, it’s never too late to be vigilant about the surrounding.


(Master, this is boring.)


(Well, can’t agree more with you, Ria. But look, there is so many foods that we can buy with price that way cheaper than from stall outside the University.)


(Master, I can cook something way better than any of those people. Just give an order, and I will cook it for you, Master. Though I wouldn’t be as good as your cook.)


(Ria, in order for you to do all that, you need to ‘Materialize’ yourself. And we both know, we can’t let these human to see more than what they receive.)


(….. Master, I thought you said ‘don’t spills the beans when they’re not ready’ to the ‘Reader’ to not make them confuse.)


(Haha, sorry, sorry.)


(By the way Ria, where is Sheen?)


Agio asks suddenly as he just realize that Sheen have been lost, since he is nowhere to be seen for a while now.


(Precaution. For Master to enjoy his day off, I misled his ‘Navigation’ on his smartphone.)


Ria said sounded satisfy.


(Seem like you satisfy for doing that.)


(Of course. For someone who disturb my Master day off, this is what they get.)


(But aren’t you always doings that to him? You really are hated him, huh.)


(I have no regrets.)


(Haha, of course you are.)


(Now then, what should we do now? Since Sheen is gone somewhere else, there is no point for me to be here.)


Agio thought as he keeps checking around every stall. For he always loves to teste a new food, for his own cooking research.


(Recognizing an option. Going home, or Spend the day here. Which option would you like to choose, Master?)


(Hm, how about ‘Looking for Sheen?’ option, Ria?)


(That option is bothersome and annoying, so I decide to remove the option, Master.)


(Hahaha thought so. Well, since we are already here, it’s such a bother to going back home. Might as well enjoy the event, right?)


(As you wish, Master.)


As both Agio and Ria agree to look around and enjoy the event. They decide to try every food and every mini game on each stall they encounter.


Throughout the mini game, Agio didn’t holding back on anything, while Ria calculate every efficient move in order to won. Resulting the loss of every grand prize on each stall.


To be honest, this is one of many reasons why many students are bothered when Agio coming on this kind of event. And for this reason, he was given a permit to taking a day off whenever there is an event which is related to mini game, or food.


Meanwhile Sheen are never bothered by that and think Agio as his rivals on every mini game. Even though the skill difference is completely on different level.


As Agio and Ria finish visiting all the stalls and winning all the ‘Grand Prize’. Now Agio has to walk with a hand full of Grand Prize. While Ria giving him a direction so he didn’t crash to other students.


(Master, where should we go next?)


(Hm, to be honest I want to going home rather than waiting for Sheen.)


(But then it did be waste if we didn’t check the other side of this event. We might as well see how far they are developed, right?)


(As you wish, Master.)


(…!?!?!? Master, there is a high possibility that you would crash with someone else on your way.)


Ria said suddenly as she realized something. But for some reason, Agio didn’t take her word serious enough, and think as it was just a metaphor.


(That’s why I walk close to the wall, Ria. So that people wouldn’t crashed onto me.)


(Well… that would be great, Master. If only they are not coming from your right side in 3. 2. 1. 0.)




Ria said with monotone as Agio is actually crashed with someone.


As Agio and the person he crashed fall down, for a moment, they become the center of attention. As there are many people surprise by the sound of it. And because of that the grand prize that Agio collected spread everywhere, yet for some reason there are also papers among them.


(Master, are you alright?)


Ria asks casually as if it nothing happens.


(Ouch, ouch. Ria, can you at least not warn me on the last minutes before it actually happens?)


(I did, Master.)


(That is barely can be called as a warning, though.)


As Agio and Ria have a little discussion, suddenly they hear unrecognize voice from their side,


“Ouch, ouch, ouch!! S-sorry, sorry, for crashing on you. I was in hurry. Are you alright?”


Said a girl voice complaining.




Agio and Ria surprised as they are forgot that there is still another person to deal with,


(Urgh, such a pain.)


Agio thought as he standing up,


<<Yes, I’m good. How about you?>>


He asks with smile as he try to look at the girl he crashed into and giving her a hand to get up.


(Master, your thoughts are completely different with your actions. And that smile of yours is disgusting.)


Ria said telepathically with a little bit sarcastic.


(Oh, would you shut up.)


As Agio help the girl he bumps into, he saw a girl with a black hair and ordinary style she wears, as Agio notice that she is not a student from his University. Since most of them act differently in front of him.


“Yes, I’m fine. Little bit pain in here and there, but I’m good, thanks.”


She said as she takes Agio hand,


(Though I said that, I’m more curious of the reasons why he uses an app to talking? Or rather, do we even have this kind of technology here?!)


She thought with curious as she notices that Agio didn’t open his mouth when she hears his voices. For that kind of reaction is pretty normal for her. Since there is no such of Technology in that time, but at the same time there is only a select few people who know about Agio Origin and able to compromise with his tech that he always used.


<<Good to hear that. Seem you are in hurry, may I help you take those papers for you?>>


“Oh, there is no need for you to do that, I mean even your stuff is scatter everywhere. I’m sorry for crashing on you!”


<<There is no need. Compare to you, I’m not in hurry, so it only logical to take care of your documents first.>>


Agio said as he started to collect the papers,


<<Beside there is no telling whether or not you got yelled for being late.>>


“Ah!! You are right! I need to hurry! Thank you for helping!”


She said after she just realizes that she needs to hurry.


As both of them collected the papers, Ria suddenly notice something,


(Master, there is something off with these documents.)


(So, you finally realize that, Ria. It’s true that these documents feel off, but for someone to make this kind of miscalculated on this kind of event, is not natural.)


(It means someone must have been sabotage the formula, is that what you want to say, Master? Is she perhaps one of the contestants in today event?)


(Well, that may one of the reasons, but as far as I can see, those guys are complete amateur. Yet for some reason I can tell that one of them are above average and I recognize his pattern. What kind of genius person would let an idiot influence them.)


Agio thought with smile as he starts to write something over the papers.




(If I can recognize his pattern, then I believe he can recognize mine.)


(Master, I believe tracking the hand writing of human would be the faster way. I could check the Database and investigate further.)


(True, but where is the fun goes, Ria?)


(There we go again.)


Ria said with Telepathy as if this kind of thing happened very often.


As the girl that Agio bump collected all the papers on her part, she turns to Agio and said,


“Hei, I’m finish on my part. How about in your part, I can’t thank you enough for you to help me collected these papers.”




(Eh? Why did he ignore me? Did he not hear what I say?)


She thought as she peeks what Agio is doing,




She shouts as she is surprise seeing Agio write something over the papers he supposed to collect.




But despite how she shouts at him, Agio reaction is rather calm while he turns at her with silence as he looking at her.


“OH NO!!! What should I do to explain this?! I don’t even know what is inside. Hei you!! Don’t just stand there, take responsibility, now!!”


She said with panic as well as got angry for what Agio did to the papers he supposed to collect.


But before she could continue her anger, a girl Agio know suddenly smack her head.




“Mia!!! Just what the hell are you doing here? We were tired waiting for you!”


“Ouch!! S-senpai!?!? W-what are you doing here?”


Mia asks as she is surprise seeing her senpai behind her.


“I was send to get your ass.”


“Ah! P-please wait, Jenny-Senpai! I can explain everything! You see, I was bumping with this person, and then he helped me, but instead of helping, he writes something over these papers! And that is why I was late!”


“Hm, is that so?”


Jenny said while glancing at Agio.


“Give my regards to him.”


Agio said suddenly to Jenny with Relic Ancient Language as he smiles.


“Eh!? You can talk! W-wait, what kind of language is that?”


Mia said with surprise hearing Agio voice for the first time, his real voice. For she couldn’t keep up the conversation with him that much.


<I will. You not coming to see us?>


<I wish I could, but I need to cleaning my own mess here.>


Agio said with sign language as he shows the mess after the bump.


“Eh!! Jenny-Senpai, you can understand that weird language?! Even sign language!!”




“Stop complaining and let go back.”


Jenny said after smacking Mia head as she drags her along to coming back with her.


“Ouch, it hurt! Why are you keeping smacking my head?”


“Because I feel like it, any problem?”






<Go easy on her.>


Agio said with sign language as he saw Mia got scared because of Jenny.


<I will try.>


“Well then, see you around, Agio.”


Jenny said more with smile as she dragging Mia.


As they are leaving Agio alone, Ria suddenly response to him,


<<Master, don’t you think speaking in front of those who doesn’t know who you are is bad?>>


(That might be true, but if that girl named ‘Mia’ can’t dealing with Jenny. How can that be troublesome?)


<<You might have a point.>>


Ria said agree as she understands how hopeless Mia against Jenny.



(Hahaha, well, let just take our grand prize and continue with our journey, shall we?)


Agio thought with smile as he taking them.


<<As you wish, Master.>>



To be Continue.



This story is fiction.

All persons, groups, places, laws, and names appearing in it have no relation to the real world.

Thank you for reading.


By: Resaid of Story

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