Lone Dire Wolf – Chapter 01, Where it Began

It has been few years since that faithful day.


A day where most of human that suffering from ‘Re-Virus’ come to end. As the faith of all humankind was being judged. And yet, being save by the very person who come from the ‘Highest Empires’.


Paavo Shelenova, the Savior of the World. The one who being acknowledges by ‘Highest Empires’. Or at least, that is how some people call him.


For there is no wonder how he gets that nickname, for less than 10% of humankind doesn’t remember anything before that faithful day.


Those who keep their memory called that day as the ‘Judgement Day’. But for those who are not, they called their past as a ‘Void Century’, since they can’t recall any of it.


For Paavo successful Project, the ‘Highest Empires’ give the humankind presents.


The first present.


Aside from fixing all humankind from ‘Re-Virus’, the ‘Highest Empires’ also change ‘Earth’ from what it used to be. As they created ‘Artificially Floating City’ for all humankind, and forbid human to live down on ‘Earth’ except for students and elderly. This is one of many ways to prevent human from destroying ‘Earth’ that the ‘Highest Empires’ adore so much.


The second present.


To prevent human population being out of control, the ‘Highest Empires’ also fix the ‘Solar System’. From ‘Unhabitants and Dead Planets’ that almost impossible for human to live in aside ‘Earth’, just like ‘Mercurius and Jupiter’. To ‘Inhabitable and Safe Planet’ for human to live in just like ‘Earth’.


And as planned, the ‘Highest Empires’ splits 10% of human population for each ‘Planets’, except for ‘Jupiter’ that have 30% of human population in it. Including the ‘Five Empires’ on ‘Earth’, the ‘Highest Empires’ put them on the further ‘Planets’ and keep them on a close watch. As their final warning to prevent war amongst themselves.


The third and the final present from the ‘Highest Empires’.


Ever since Paavo set a rule where all ‘Problem, Conflict, and War’ must be solved within ‘Virtual World’. The ‘Highest Empires’ give the humankind enough information about the technology to let them involved to at least ‘Civilization Level 1’. In other word, they need to build their own ‘World’ and ‘Gates’ under the supervision of few ‘Highest Empires’.


And in exchange to that, all military power that human had will be replaced by the ‘Royal Guard’ that follows only by the rule that Paavo set.


But things are not always going to according to plans. For the ‘Highest Empires’ trying to minimize the information that could turn into a weapon of mass destruction if it goes to the hand of wrong person. With that in mind, and the lack of the efficiency that the human brought, make the progress of things become much slower than they expected to be.




Somewhere on Earth.




East Java.


Somewhere in Apartment.


*Beep, Beep, Beep*


<<Master, it’s morning. Time for you to waking up.>>


Said a girl voice surrounded the room, as the alarm was still ringing.


 (Hmm, what time is it?)


Thought the boy as he switched off his alarm while still sleepy.


<<07:05, Master. I already prepared your breakfast and coffee. I recommend you to take them while they are still warm.>>


Said a girl voice.


(Hm’mmm, thank you, Ria.)


The boy thought with yawning as he eventually pushes himself to get up and going for his breakfast.


<<I’m just doing what you ask me to, Master. There is no need for such a word.>>


(There you go again, how many times do I need to tell you that you don’t need to go too deep on this Master-Servant Act.)


The boy thought as he is eating his breakfast.


(And by the way, why did you wake me up early in the morning? Do I have morning class? I don’t remember I have any important event today.)


He thought as he tries to remembering his schedule for today.


<<About that. There is an individual that Master describe as ‘Annoying’ in front of the door. Should I deactivated ‘Mute Mode’, Master?>>


 (Someone that I describe as ‘annoying’? Hm, there are so many of them, I wonder which one is it? Alright, Ria, could you deactivate ‘Mute Mode’.)


<<As you wish Master. Proceed ‘Deactivated Mute Mode’. Succeed.>>


As soon as Ria deactivated ‘Mute Mode’, a very loud noise can be hear from the outside of the door.


“Agio! Agio! Wake up Agio! Wake up!!! Agio! Agio! Wake up Agio!! Wake up!!!”


A person seems to be shouting in front of the door.


As a matter of fact, the man outside the door is actually calling Ria Master, Agio R. Mukoiwa. He is rather a mysterious man. For he is very seldom to tell his past to anyone.


Just like Angellya A. Mukoiwa, his little sister. Agio was originally come from the ‘Highest Empires’. But unlike his little sister which coming to Earth for her own reason. Agio come to Earth long before Paavo even born, for a ‘Classified Mission’ that he can’t told to anyone. As for now, he was being selected as one of few persons from the ‘Highest Empires’ to look over the Earth. To see, whether the progress can be taken within the next decade or not.


Ria herself, are basically an AI (Artificial Intelligence) inside his body. Every single person who live in the ‘Highest Empires’ have an option whether they need a ‘Servant’ or a ‘AI’ to support and help them in daily basis. With Ria ability to materialist herself and with Agio a little tinkering, they could turn a normal apartment into a modern style.


Making her able to have a full control over the room, even the technology in that era was prevent them to do so. And since Ria was originally inside Agio body, this making her able to read his thought in a real time.


For few decades have been pass ever since their first coming to Earth, Agio and Ria have been meeting with various person. One of them, is Sheen Sheeron. A friend that they meet few years before the ‘Judgement Day’. An eccentric guy with a positive nature, in a way where Agio deemed as an annoying.


(Sheen?! Ugh, I regret asking! This is the most ‘annoying’ person that I couldn’t handle!!)


Agio thought with annoyed as soon as he realized that it was Sheen that knocking in front of his door.


(Ria, how long he has been there shouting like that?)


<<According to my calculations, it about half an hour, Master.>>


Ria said sounded cold, as if it was not bothering her at all.


(I might as well open the door for him, Ria can you open the door for me?)


Agio thought with sighing as he is taking a headphone on, that was lying beside him. For he exactly knows what would be happened the moment the person in front of the door coming in.


<<As you wish, Master.>>


Ria said as the headphones that he wears start blinking with Purple Light Color as she is respond to Agio thought.


As Ria unlock the door, at the same time Sheen suddenly rushing to Agio.


“Agio!!! How dare you to lock me like that?!”


(Ria, can you do the usual?)


Agio thought with boring eyes while ignoring Sheen who is angry at him.


(As you wish, Master.)


Ria respond to Agio thought,


<<Well, this is my apartment, so it’s normal for me to lock the door when I was going to bed, right?>>


Ria said casually with a boy voice in place Agio voice as the headphones light blinking with different color (Red). Through the headphones, Ria could transmit whatever Agio wish to say. Especially when he is too lazy to talk, and how he could avoid a bothersome conversation by the help of Ria pretending to be him.


Since Ria could imitated any voice she wishes to. In order for the other person to recognize who is talking to who, the headphones color would turn into ‘Purple’ whenever she talks.


Meanwhile when Agio talks through Ria, the headphones color would turn into ‘Red’. But that isn’t always the case here.


“Oh yeah, you have a point there.”


Sheen said just agreeing without thinking, but as he is just realized something was off he become even more annoyed as he raise his voice.


“Wait the minutes! How could you sleep all over nicely while I shouting and knocking your door loudly?”


<<So, you do realize what you were doing?>>


“Hey, whose fault is it? You were the one who overslept to begin with! So, I need to wake you up! But no matter how many times I shout, how many times I repeat, you still not wake up!”


<<Oh that, that because I ask Ria to activate ‘Mute Mode’, so that she can neutralize all noise. And to begin with, I don’t have any class today, how could I be overslept?>>


“When a best friend wakes you up, you should Up! What if you are dead! What if something happens to you while you were sleep?”


<<What are you? My mother?>>


<<Worry not, I always watch over my Master health. Such as from someone who being labeled, ‘Annoying’.>>


Ria said cutting the conversation between Agio and Sheen casually.


“Woah, what a reliable AI you are.”


<<Thank you.>>


“That’s Sarcasm! Take a hint will you!”


<<Talking about ‘Reliable’ thing, don’t you think your actions is disturbing the neighborhood?>>


“That is not ‘Reliable’ thing, it’s more like an ‘Annoying’ thing!”


“And don’t worry about that, my sister makes sure to put notification about ‘How loud I am in the morning!’, So nothing to worry about!”


Sheen said proudly without even felt guilty as he giving Agio a thumb up.


<<That’s is not something you should say proudly.>>


<<And so, now you know that I don’t have any class today, could you leave now?>>


“How cruel of you!!! Is this how you treat your best friend?”


Sheen said dramatically with surprise.


<<More like you had nothing to do, no girlfriend, and bad scores.>>


Ria said suddenly with monotone.




Agio thought hearing Ria respond to Sheen.


(Compare to Master, ‘that’, was nothing, Master.)


(The way you are saying it is like I’m such a cruel person, you know.)


(Master, I don’t think it’s alright for you to compare yourself with things that called ‘Person’ or ‘Human.’)


(Ria, don’t forget the reason why we are here, for what reason we are stay here, and don’t spills the beans when they’re not ready. You will just make the ‘Reader’ more confused than it already are.)


(…… As you wish, Master.)


As Agio and Ria have their conversation in telepathically, Sheen who felt being left out suddenly shouting with annoyed as he is about to cry.


“Hey, don’t leave me alone while you and Ria having a conversation in your head!”


“And, even though your headphones tones tell me what kind of expressions you are making, your face is as expressionless as ever. It scary.”


Sheen said more with scared, as he pointed that fact. Though, for Agio himself didn’t recognized this kind of thing. For there is no reason to bother such a thing.


But with his expressionless face, there is no telling what he is been thinking about. And it wouldn’t be strange if someone got scared or misunderstanding from it. Though, he always gives smile emoji whenever he chats or message someone, that would make others to think, whether they are the same person or not.


Especially someone who know about him.


<< … Let put that topic aside. What are you here for?>>


Agio asks changing the subject.


“To wake you up!!”


Sheen said casually without a shred of guilt, for waking up Agio in his free time.


<<Good Night.>>


“Ah wait! Wait, wait, wait! If you are going back to sleep again, my ‘Onee-san’ will get mad at me!!!”


PS: ‘Onee-san’ – see the explanations at the end of chapter.


Sheen said suddenly with panicking.


Hearing that, Agio, who had plan to go back to his sleep, stopped his step. And start to think for a while, before letting out sigh with disappointing reaction.


(It ‘her’ again, huh? Well, it doesn’t really matter, more importantly, he sure saying stuff that make me need to explain to the ‘Reader’ later on.)


<< … Is that all?>>


Agio asks as he noticed Sheen had something more.


“Oh, yeah! There is more! Do you remember what day is it?”


<< ‘Sleeping Day?’ >>


“You really love to sleep, huh?”


<<Who doesn’t? Even the ‘Reader’ love to sleep after the whole day being busy, you know.>>


“Who are you talking to?”


<<The ‘Reader’.>>


“What is that? I don’t understand a word you are saying.”


Sheen said with more confused.


<<Not my problem.>>


“It’s always tiring to dealing with you, huh?”


<<That should be my Master words.>>


Ria said suddenly with a cold tone, as she got annoyed by Sheen word.


<< …… >>


“Agio! Why wouldn’t you say anything about that? Your best friend is being bad mouthing, you know! Say something would you!”


Sheen said with crying as he complaint for Agio, who just agree with what Ria saying about him.


After hearing his best friend crying for a while, Agio couldn’t help but sighing as it’s getting annoying the more he let Sheen bothering him.




<<Ria, the next time you want to bully him, try to be more cruel, I will allow it.>>


“That doesn’t help!!”


Sheen said with surprise hearing what Agio saying.


<<As you wish, Master.>>


And Ria said casually agree without any hesitation.


“No hesitated!!”


<<Why would I.>>


“Urgh, as expected of ‘Artificial Intelligence’, as loyal as ever.”


<<Of course.>>


Ria said with proud, ignoring the fact that Sheen is crying for how she treated him to be.


“Sob, sob… So cruel. That was sarcasm, take a hint would you.”


Sheen said with crying.


<<Alright, alright, I will go. So, where do you want to go?>>


Agio said with sighing as he is giving up. Or rather, he doesn’t want to hear any complaint from Sheen, for he would throwing another tantrum. If Agio himself refuse to go with him.




<<You were about to ask me to come with you, right? You were always persistent about anything, but when it comes to what you feared to fail, you come to me.>>


Agio said with expressionless face.




“Yess!!! Thank you, Agio. You are the best!”


Sheen said happily and excitingly, just like a child whose wish finally being granted by their parents. Basically, Sheen was no longer the best friend, or rather, without he realized, Agio and Sheen Big sister herself, already put him in ‘Children’ category. Another reason why he is single.


<<Master, are you sure about this? As far as I concern, most probably it’s about a human female.>>


<<Haha, that is pretty much the same as zero, Ria.>>


<<But well, as annoying as he may be, we received too many things from both him and his sister. So, it’s normal for us to return the favor, Ria.>>


Agio said as he watching how Sheen jumping around happily hearing that Agio would go with him.


<<Understood, Master.>>


<<Sheen, stop jumping in my apartment! And tell us where you want to go.>>


Agio ask with little bit annoying.


“Oh, sorry, sorry, I was too exciting when you agree to come with me! Hehe”




“Oh, we are going to the University!!”




“Ah, wait, wait, I have a good reason you know!! There is an event where foreigners from another Nation are coming to ours University, right? They will be presenting each of their inventory, and competes, there is also a prize for the winner! And apparently the girl that I have been chatting with is also coming to this event! So please, come with me! I need you! I’m nervous!!”


Sheen explains with panicking knowing that Agio is annoying by his answer.


<< …. >>


<<In the end of it, it is about a girl.>>


Ria said with monotone as Agio himself speechless and just agree with Ria instead.


“Please!!! Help me!! I can’t help it you know! I’m single! And I don’t have any girlfriend!!”


Sheen said with crying and crawling to Agio who lost any interest to go even more.


<<That’s not my or my Master problem.>>


<<Looks like this will be such a bother. But just reminder, do you remember what happens to you last time when you try to confess to a girl?>>


“… Ugh…”


Sheen crying, for he remembered how he was always being dump by his girlfriend. For there is a time when they break-up in a normal way but, most of the time in a harsh way. Especially, when at some point Sheen was being dump 3 minutes after he got a new girlfriend.


“..B-but she is different, we have been chatting for few months now! I’m sure she is different than the other!!”


Sheen said, trying to convince Agio to go with him, but Ria respond to him with rather a monotone answer.


<<You said the same thing to my Master, last time.>>


<<If you want a girl to accept your confession, rather than rushing things up, you need to take it slow this time.>>


<<Alright then, since I already said that I will accompany you, I should as well get myself ready.>>


<<Go back to your apartment, wash your face, and get ready. We are going in 10 minutes.>>


“Y-yesss!!! Tha-thank you so much Agio!!”


Sheen said happily as he is hugged Agio legs with his tear and his nose leaking.


<<Hei, let me go/let my Master go! You are disgusting!!!>>


Agio and Ria said with annoyed at the same time.


And so, as they don’t have much of choice but to go along with Sheen whine. They eventually going to University, even that is a Free Day for Agio.



To be continue.



This story is fiction.

All persons, groups, places, laws, and names appearing in it have no relation to the real world.

Thank you for reading.


By: Resaid of Story


*Extra Note:

Japanese honorifics

The Japanese language makes use of honorific suffixes when referring to others in a conversation. These suffixes are attached to the end of names, and are often gender-neutral. Honorific suffixes also indicate the level of the speaker and referred individual’s relationship and are often used alongside other components of Japanese honorific speech, called keigo (敬語).


Common honorifics

~ San (さん) (sometimes pronounced han (はん) in Kansai dialect)

is the most commonplace honorific and is a title of respect typically used between equals of any age. Although the closest analog in English are the honorifics “Mr.”, “Miss”, “Ms.”, or “Mrs.”, -san is almost universally added to a person’s name; -san can be used in formal and informal contexts and for both genders.


~ Sama (様【さま】)

is a more respectful version for people of a higher rank than oneself or divine, toward one’s guests or customers (such as a sports venue announcer addressing members of the audience), and sometimes toward people one greatly admires. It is supposedly the origin word for -san, and there is no major evidence otherwise. Deities such as native Shinto kami and the Christian God are referred to as kami-sama, meaning “Revered spirit-sama”. When used to refer to oneself, -sama expresses extreme arrogance (or self-effacing irony), as in praising oneself to be of a higher rank, as with ore-sama (俺様, “my esteemed self”).


~ Kun (君【くん】)

is generally used by people of senior status addressing or referring to those of junior status, by anyone addressing or it can be used when referring to men in general, male children or male teenagers, or among male friends. It can be used by males or females when addressing a male to whom they are emotionally attached, or who they have known for a long time. Although it may seem rude in workplaces, the suffix is also used by juniors when referring to seniors in both academic situations and workplaces, more typically when the two people are associated.

Although -kun is generally used for boys, it is not a hard rule. For example, -kun can be used to name a close personal friend or family member of any gender. In business settings, young female employees are addressed as -kun by older males of senior status. It can be used by male teachers addressing their female students.

Kun can mean different things depending on the gender. Kun for females is a more respectful honorific than -chan, which implies childlike cuteness. Kun is not only used to address females formally; it can also be used for a very close friend or family member. Calling a female -kun is not insulting, and can also mean that the person is respected, although that is not the normal implication. Rarely, sisters with the same name, such as “Miku”, may be differentiated by calling one “Miku-chan” and the other “Miku-san” or “-sama”, and on some occasions “-kun”. Chan and -kun occasionally mean similar things. General use of -kun for females implies respectful endearment, and that the person being referred to is sweet and kind.


~ Chan (ちゃん)

is a diminutive suffix; it expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing. It is seemingly said to have come from a “cute” pronouncing of -san (in Japanese, replacing s sounds with ch sounds is seen as cute), although there is no evidence otherwise as this suffix has been used since the early days of ancient Japan. In general, -chan is used for babies, young children, close friends, grandparents and sometimes female adolescents. It may also be used towards cute animals, lovers, or a youthful woman. Using -chan with a superior’s name is considered to be condescending and rude. Likewise, using this for someone, especially adults, only known for a short period can be seen as offensive.

Although traditionally, honorifics are not applied to oneself, some people adopt the childlike affectation of referring to themselves in the third person using -chan (childlike because it suggests that one has not learned to distinguish between names used for oneself and names used by others). For example, a young woman named Kanako might call herself Kanako-chan rather than using the first-person pronoun.


~ Tan (たん)

is an even more cute or affectionate variant of -chan. It evokes a small child’s mispronunciation of that form of address, or baby talk – similar to how, for example, a speaker of English might use “widdle” instead of “little” when speaking to a baby. Moe anthropomorphisms are often labeled as -tan, e.g.


~ Bō (坊【ぼう】)

is another diminutive that expresses endearment. Like -chan, it is used for babies or young children, but is exclusively used for boys instead of girls.


~ Senpai and kōhai

Senpai (先輩【せんぱい】) is used to address or refer to one’s older or more senior colleagues in a school, workplace, dojo, or sports club. Teachers are not senpai, but rather they are sensei. Neither are students of the same or lower grade: they are referred to, but never addressed as, kōhai (後輩【こうはい】). In a business environment, those with more experience are senpai. Senpai can also be used for someone you look up to or admire as more than a friend.


~ Sensei and hakase

Sensei (先生【せんせい】, literally meaning “former-born”) is used to refer to or address teachers, doctors, politicians, lawyers, and other authority figures. It is used to show respect to someone who has achieved a certain level of mastery in an art form or some other skill, such as accomplished novelists, musicians, artists and martial artists. In Japanese martial arts, sensei typically refers to someone who is the head of a dojo. As with senpai, sensei can be used not only as a suffix, but also as a stand-alone title. The term is not generally used when addressing a person with very high academic expertise; the one used instead is hakase (博士【はかせ】, lit. “Doctor” or “PhD”).


~ Shi (氏【し】) is used in formal writing, and sometimes in very formal speech, for referring to a person who is unfamiliar to the speaker, typically a person known through publications whom the speaker has never actually met. For example, the -shi title is common in the speech of newsreaders. It is preferred in legal documents, academic journals, and certain other formal written styles. Once a person’s name has been used with -shi, the person can be referred to with -shi alone, without the name, as long as there is only one person being referred to.


Familial honorifics

Words for family members have two different forms in Japanese. When referring to one’s own family members while speaking to a non-family-member, neutral, descriptive nouns are used, such as haha (母) for “mother” and ani (兄) for “older brother”. When addressing one’s own family members or addressing or referring to someone else’s family members, honorific forms are used. Using the suffix -san, as is most common, “mother” becomes okāsan (お母さん) and “older brother” becomes oniisan (お兄さん). The honorifics -chan and -sama may also be used instead of -san, to express a higher level of closeness or reverence, respectively.

The general rule is that a younger family member (e.g., a young brother) addresses an older family member (e.g., a big brother) using an honorific form, while the older family member calls the younger one only by name.

The honorific forms are:


~ Otōsan (お父さん): father. The descriptive noun is chichi (父).


~ Ojisan (叔父さん/小父さん/伯父さん): uncle, or also “middle-aged gentleman”.


~ Ojiisan (お祖父さん/御爺さん/お爺さん/御祖父さん): grandfather, or also “male senior-citizen”.


~ Okāsan (お母さん): mother. The descriptive noun is haha (母).


~ Obasan (伯母さん/小母さん/叔母さん): aunt, or also “middle-aged lady”.


~ Obāsan (お祖母さん/御祖母さん/御婆さん/お婆さん): grandmother, or also “female senior-citizen”.


~ Oniisan (お兄さん): big brother, or also “a young gentleman”. The descriptive noun is ani (兄).


~ Onēsan (お姉さん): big sister, or also “a young lady”. The descriptive noun is ane (姉).


The initial o- (お) in these nouns is itself an honorific prefix. In more casual situations the speaker may omit this prefix but will keep the suffix.


~ Niichan (兄ちゃん) or Niisan (兄さん): when a young sibling addresses his or her own “big brother”.


~ Nēchan (姉ちゃん) or Nēsan (姉さん): when a young sibling addresses his or her own “big sister”.

~ Kāsan (母さん): when a man addresses his own “wife” (the “mother” of their children).


~ Tōsan (父さん): when a woman addresses her own “husband” (the “father” of their children).


~ Bāchan (祖母ちゃん): when grandchildren address their “grandma”.


~ Jiichan (祖父ちゃん): when grandchildren address their “grandpa”.


Useful Notes / Japanese Sibling Terminology

Where English makes no distinction between elder and younger siblings, Japanese has words that classify both gender and age (relative to the speaker) for a sibling. There are four basic terms:


~ otōto 弟 – younger brother


~ imōto 妹 – younger sister


~ ani 兄 – elder brother


~ ane 姉 – elder sister


They are normally found in conjunction with an honorific — -kun and -chan being among the most common for all four, although -san and even -sama are frequently used for respected older siblings, or when addressing other people’s siblings. “Baby-talk” equivalents such as -tan, -tama and -chama are not unknown, either, but are usually limited to younger children and kawaiiko.

Additionally, ani and ane can take the honorific prefix o- in place of the initial a (and simultaneously double the i / e sound), which indicates even further respect. This is not mandatory, though. When speaking to your older brother, you would call him Niisan or Oniisan; older sister would be Neesan or Oneesan; the younger ones you would normally address by name.

In addition to these four basic words, there are numerous variations due to regional differences in pronunciation and from slang usages. Just as an example, here are some of the alternative versions that one may encounter in fiction:


  • ani 兄
  • anigimi 兄君/anegimi 姉君 (very formal)
  • aniki 兄貴/aneki 姉貴 (informal, a rougher/slang variation along the lines of “bro”/”sis”; also used to refer to higher-ranking members of a gang)
  • anego 姉御 (informal, “sis”; may also be used from a younger person towards an older female that they respect, in fiction usually the leader of a female delinquent group or yakuza member)
  • aniue 兄上 (a formal and archaic, form of “brother”; only for older brothers)
  • aneue 姉上 (“sister”, like aniue above, only for older sisters)
  • niiya にーや (regional variation)
  • oni おに (A homophone for the Japanese word for “ogre“, but not often employed for a punning double meaning.)

Note that the terms for older and younger siblings are used differently. Younger siblings usually address older ones by “title” (In practice, the Japanese call their older sibling “big brother” or “big sister” the same way they call their parents “dad” or “mom”), but the reverse is far less common — older siblings tend to address younger ones by their given name.

It is also not uncommon for sibling terminology to be used for non-relatives. “Onii-san” and its variants are often used by children for older non-relatives that are not too far apart in age from the speaker (expect the kid Victim of the Week to address the hero this way throughout the episode, for example.) If the addressee is visibly older, then “oji-san” or “oba-san” might be used instead. This one’s hard for translators — you want to stay true to the original, but can’t exactly have the kid call the hero “Big brother” despite the fact that they’ve clearly never met before.

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